
Showing posts from 2019

The Lonely Path

What does the word ALONE mean to you ? or What is the importance & the amount of space it holds in your life ? To visualize it let us take life as a POT, an empty pot. Now, the ingredients of life are friends, family, work, leisure, happiness, sadness, anger, guilt, enjoyment and many more. But if we could categorize them into bigger group as in the veggies and the masala, then the masala would be Loneliness. It has its own problems but loneliness is what adds that spice or flavor to your life as it gives you the opportunity to analyse yourself and understand about yourself better. Alone, it had a great impact and also a big hand in shaping me. It was the one thing that was with me during my harshest times even to this day it stays with me sometimes. I know its not possible for someone to there physically 24/7 but in this age of technology  being there socially is possible. That's what my alone meant, even in the presence of such ease of messaging and all I couldn't po

Your Expectations

Everyone wants something in life, something to achieve to strive for. This what we call having expectations. We have expectations from ourselves, from others. These expectations & what we do to fulfill them shapes our life and helps it turn out how we expect it to be. Having made expectations isn't enough we have to work in order to convert it into reality. If only, it would have been that simple everyone would have been happy and none of the problems would have had existed. But many a times what you expect isn't what you get. Your actions might go haywire impacting them adversely or they might change mid-way or a rather once in a blue moon situation you end up getting far more than what you had expected. These expectations are not constant your entire life, they change with varying time, your state of mind, the environment around you etc. What you expected at age ten might change as you climb up the stairs. As a kid I used to think this is what is to be done as told by

Anger & Guilt

Anger or Wrath , present in each and every human and that too one of the most dominant emotion. So, what really is Anger ? Is it a result of failure, or is it due to sadness, or the outcome of an emotional or physical bruise to a superfluity level ? Rather it is the protective mechanism to cover up for fear, hurt and sadness. This Anger is highly active in some and at a lower level in others depending on the persons tolerance. It happens because some humans get irritated or rather provoked easily . Their insecurity complex arises and takes control and turns that heat into Anger. Jealousy is also a good fuel to your Angst. This is also insecurity as you are unable to see someone climb higher than you knowing you can't compete him. You lack confidence in yourself and to hide it you shield it with this illogical Anger of yours. This frustration continuously fuel that Angst until you climb higher than that person. Now, this Anger when erupts it gushes out onto the next person you m

Friends OR Wannabe Friends ?

What does a friend mean ? Is it a mutual understanding of equal exchange or a love of two humans. It is the second most Strongest bond ( after family ) you'll make in your life. Those moments made should be one you could cherish when you remember, not make you cringe or gloomy & repent those days. It should be such that when you sit back and relax you couldn't be happier to have found such friends. You should be able to narrate those stories to someone with a smile on the face and unending cherished moments. Sometimes you get a little frustrated which you cannot share with none other than your friends because such conversations with family becomes awkward. Now facing such frustration you expect to get some consolation and a little attention. But then you sit down to chat with a close friend of yours with whom you used to have long talks and receive just those generic reply's "OK" and "Hmm" that too after a long interval. It appears weird so