The Lonely Path

What does the word ALONE mean to you ? or What is the importance & the amount of space it holds in your life ? To visualize it let us take life as a POT, an empty pot. Now, the ingredients of life are friends, family, work, leisure, happiness, sadness, anger, guilt, enjoyment and many more. But if we could categorize them into bigger group as in the veggies and the masala, then the masala would be Loneliness. It has its own problems but loneliness is what adds that spice or flavor to your life as it gives you the opportunity to analyse yourself and understand about yourself better.

Alone, it had a great impact and also a big hand in shaping me. It was the one thing that was with me during my harshest times even to this day it stays with me sometimes. I know its not possible for someone to there physically 24/7 but in this age of technology  being there socially is possible. That's what my alone meant, even in the presence of such ease of messaging and all I couldn't point out if I had someone I could open up to and talk. That was a period when literally I had no friends who would back me up. Reality became evident as the lonely nature unfolded its true gifts. This lonesome phase felt as if passing time was getting difficult. Every time, every thought just was for the need of someone. When truly I analysed the position I was in I realized that others had loads of friends to hangout with, chill with but for me all I had were my inanimate objects.

The feeling of lonely person isn't easy to understand. Unlike others he has been alone to such an extent that neither sorrow nor pain affects. He laughs it off or rather he cloaks it all. Loneliness slowly and steadily kills away your emotions. Day by day a minute part of his emotions fade away rendering him a little emotionless. He feels as if everything around him is a no fun. Staying in a room all by himself and just cutting away time, for eons takes a toll on any human. That toll is not any physical toll or mental toll, its a combination of both plus it has a psychological effect. That lonesome human adapts to his loneliness and spends most of his time observing, analyzing and thinking. Losing something has no meaning to him. A hybrid between a human and a robot is what he could be called. Just think, you are just staying in a room or house living a normal life but when you need help no ones beside you, when you need that consolation there's no shoulder, when you needed that compassion none was there to lend you the warmth & when you needed someone you could open up to tell your problems, to understand the aspects of life what you received was just pitch black silence.

There are nights when he feels the physical pain he feels the weight of loneliness. He tries to cry but unable to, he tries to vent out the anger but unable to. His every effort to lighten the load all end in vain. His every shout for help is sucked in that pitch black  darkness haunting and sucking out his life pieces by pieces. If you could feel his pain, anger, frustration you would feel those goosebumps, you'll feel that rising deep black darkness residing in him, you would feel the void as large as a black hole gnawing at him but yet he sits there smiling at you with the utmost compassion welcoming and giving you whatever little he would do. You scold him, you beat him but that smile would never wipe out of that face. It's not a creepy smile instead that's the beauty of loneliness, it might do many damages to you but it makes the person very compassionate and kind-hearted. Neither would he cry nor he would be sad, he will stay there smiling with kindness and compassion cloaking all those emotions and welcome you back open heartedly. Loneliness even boosts your brain as it gives you enormous time to spend with yourself and observing others. A powerful knowledge capsule is what you call him.

Last but not the least never assume you know a person because you are close to him. You never know whether the person had his share of loneliness or not. a person living in loneliness can never be understood fully however hard you try. He might be smiling, he might be talking out secrets but just think how much sadness, pain is hidden behind  that smile, what followed before there secrets he spilled. You never know what harshness he might have had faced to accept his lonesome nature because this "ALONE" even has the power to break down a person's will to live.


  1. Loneliness is something which has captured each one of us , somewhere or the other . Everything might be okay but still , you might feel that void space within you , u might have a shoulder to cry but still your mind would not let u be in peace . Some people call it our personal space and time and some call it being lonely .

  2. Very beautiful. .It touched my heart.M also agreed with Saloni..
    According to me if u are not surrounded by the people who could lift up your soul you will feel the void of loneliness. Life would be completely ON and there wouldn't be space of lonliness when you when you start commanding your brain in right direction.

  3. Loneliness is not always by default, but sometimes because of one persons nature and behavior, he was forced to live a lonely life. Even if sometimes one face lonely life, he should not adjust his life, rather he should fight this "Loneliness" and make life Colourful by mixing with friends and relatives.

    1. Absolutely true but how can he return back to those who left him in the first place.

  4. Loneliness makes u realise that any material thing even person cannot make u happy. U realise that ur life is ur own and no one has the power to make u happy n sad except u. Loneliness i believe is a gift which lets u realise the inner soul.

    1. That's a very beautiful insight you've analysed and its to a high extent true..

    2. Hey it's really nice.
      Loneliness is not always painful, sometimes it helps u to introspect and also there are times when it brings smile to your face bcz when u are alone u realize the value of those who is willing to stand for u no matter what happens.
      Don't you think it's high time we actually discuss problems ,rather than disillusioning self that they won't understand and just saying it's complicated and fucked up.
      P.S. -not just relationships but also life.

    3. Your views are absolutely intrinsic but what I expressed was a deep instilled loneliness for very long time.


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